Tax Schedule
Trash Pickup
As a resident of the Town of Pompey, you are part of a municipal trash district, the Southern Onondaga Trash System. This means once trash service has been set up, it is billed on your January Town and County tax bill.
If you move into an existing home, trash service may already be arranged. To confirm service and find out about the program, or if you build a new home, contact Dependable Disposal Service at 315.472.7455.
For questions or concerns, please contact your respective Town Clerks and leave a message for your Supervisor.
Download your trash pickup and recycling schedule and get info on recycling totes.
Learn about green initiatives in Onondaga County, read the latest OCRRA newsletter.
Holiday Schedule
If the following holidays fall on a weekday, pickup will be delayed one day:
Labor Day
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
4th of July